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Post 134  6/16/2024

Synchrony :
Chaos, Time & Order

This book is about the phenomenon of Spontaneous Order, such as Synchrony¹ : stable interrelationships over time. Strogatz says, “the laws of thermodynamics seem to dictate the opposite, that nature should inexorably degenerate toward a state of greater disorder, greater entropy”. . . . .

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Post 126  08/16/2022

Is Consciousness

Prominent neuroscientist, Kristof Koch, has become an advocate for the Integrated Information Theory (IIT) of Giulio Tononi. They now work together to fill any gaps in the theory that consciousness emerges naturally when information processing systems reach a minimal state of integration (wholeness). Tononi measures the degree of unification in units of phi . . .

Post 121 12/12/2021

Is Free Will
Fake Agency?

 An article in Skeptic magazine [v26, no 1 2021] raised several thorny scientific & philosophical issues, including the ontological status of Consciousness and Free Will1. The author proposes to show why such immaterial non-things are not “illusions” or “delusions” as some have concluded after careful reasoning. . . . . .

Post 124 08/23/2020

Cause  of

Modern philosophers tend to distrust Intuition¹, as a hasty & emotional, instead of methodical & rational way of knowing. But Intuition is fundamental, instinct-ive, and personal, hence it makes the strongest subjective case for belief. Only after those intuitive embryos-of-thought are established can the rational . . .

Post 122  12/20/2021


 And other popular               delusions    
The author begins his introduction by asserting that “the overarching problem is free will”. His concern is not so much with the meaning of “will”, but with “what it means to be free”. Before presenting his own solution to the problem though, he gives us a lot of religious and philosophical background. . . .

Post 119  11/29/2021

What is Meta-Physics ?  

Many of the polarized arguments on the Philosophy Forum hinge on the meaning of the technical term “meta-physics”. Contributing to the conflict of opinions is that dictionary definitions tend to provide specialized meanings that are only of interest to philosoph-ical scholars : e.g. Ontology & Epistem-ology. So, their application to some common issues of 21st century . . . .

Post 123  04/11/2022

What is Information?  

Claude Shannon labeled the basic element of computer data as "Information". That word had long been associated with various aspects of ideas in the human mind : communication, knowledge, reference, meaning, truth, etc. But his quantified definition of the term focused, not on any particular semantic content,  . . . .

             Post 125  06/27/2022


Phillip Ball introduces his topic by clarifying the murkiness of Quantum Physics : “what has emerged most strongly from this work on the fundamental aspects of quantum theory is that it is not a  uncertainty or fuzziness. It is a theory about information.. . . because information is not a thing that you can point to . . .

Post 127  10/18/2022

Potential vs Actual

Aristotle's differentiation be-tween Potential & Actual¹, as two different ways to exist, may help you to understand the same distinction in Physics. You could say that Potential is uni-versal and non-local, while Actual is specific and local. For example, a AA battery is said to have the Potential for 1.5 volt-amps of current, even when no current (kinetic energy) is flowing.

Post 113  01/08/2021

Aristotle and

 Edward Feser is a secular Philosopher, not a Theologian. But his worldview seems to be focused through the lens of Catholic theology, and in particular Thomas Aquinas’ interpretation of Aristotelian metaphysics. He is secular in the sense that he accepts modern theories of Natural Evolution and Quantum Mechanics . . . .

Post 114  02/16/2021

Introduction to

The Enformationism hypothesis is proposed as a possible update for the fruitful, but aging, para-digm of Materialism. However, since some form of matter-first physicalism is still the default model for the empirical sciences, this philosophical thesis is merely a personal worldview. . . . .

Post 115 03/09/2021

Can I.I.T. Explain Consciousness

In his Scientific American magazine article, science writer John Horgan questions an “am-bitious” new theory to explain how human Consciousness evolved from dumb matter, like atoms, to smart stuff. Like brains. Or as he put it, “how does stuff become conscious?” His first introduction to the theory made him skeptical. . . .

Post 126  08/16/2022

Is Consciousness

Prominent neuroscientist, Kristof Koch, has become an advocate for the Integrated Information Theory (IIT) of Giulio Tononi. They now work together to fill any gaps in the theory that consciousness emerges naturally when information processing systems reach a minimal state of integration (wholeness). Tononi measures the degree of unification in units of phi . . .

Post 132 03/10/2024

How does the Brain Create

In his book, Science Ideated, computer scientist Bernardo Kastrup argues with philoso-phers about the nature of the Conscious Mind. Specifically, if it is a real feature of animated matter, or a mistaken illusion of brain pro-cesses. Michael Graz-iano says “consciousness does-n’t happen. It’s a mistaken . . .

Post 133 05/24/2024

Schopen-hauer’s  Will

 As Intention

In his 1818 book, The World as Will and Representation, philosopher Arthur Schopen-hauer “identifies the thing-in-itself — the inner essence of everything — as will: a blind, unconscious, aimless striving devoid of knowledge”.

Post 124 08/23/2020

Cause  of

Modern philosophers tend to distrust Intuition¹, as a hasty & emotional, instead of methodical & rational way of knowing. But Intuition is fundamental, instinct-ive, and personal, hence it makes the strongest subjective case for belief. Only after those intuitive embryos-of-thought are established can the rational . . .

Post 138  10/07/2024

Holism and


General Jan C. Smuts was the George Washington (military leader), the Thomas Jefferson (philosopher), and the Benjamin Franklin (scientist) of his nascent nation, South Africa. Like the United States, it was an exploit-ed European colony in a less developed land. And, like Washington, he fought against the colonial power . . . .

             Post 125  06/27/2022


Phillip Ball introduces his topic by clarifying the murkiness of Quantum Physics : “what has emerged most strongly from this work on the fundamental aspects of quantum theory is that it is not a  uncertainty or fuzziness. It is a theory about information.. . . because information is not a thing that you can point to . . .

Post 127  10/18/2022

Potential vs Actual

Aristotle's differentiation be-tween Potential & Actual¹, as two different ways to exist, may help you to understand the same distinction in Physics. You could say that Potential is uni-versal and non-local, while Actual is specific and local. For example, a AA battery is said to have the Potential for 1.5 volt-amps of current, even when no current (kinetic energy) is flowing.

Post 131 08/28/2023

Creative Mind
and Cosmic Order

The “Mind” referenced in Pinter’s book title is the collective intellect of homo sapiens, a species of rational animals whose sensory apparatus has been honed by eons of evolution to “see” not only what is right in front of them, but also what could be in another time & place. . . . .

Post 130 08/18/2023


My personal Ontology is also a hybrid blend of Idealism with Realism. Unlike Materialism & Physicalism, Enformationism does not view Consciousness as a bogus supernatural notion. But it also does not deny the exist-ence of Sentience as a force of Nature. Instead, it regards Mind as an emergent property from the natural evolution of . . . . .

Post 136 8/5/2024

Holism and

 Before he gets into the events that led to the evolutionary emergence of living organisms. Bergson begins with the entity we know best : the Self. “The existence of which we are most assured and which we know best is unquestionably our own”. Then he discusses Evolution : . .

Post 135  7/1/2024

Synchrony : Small World Networks
Synchrony ─ coordination in space & time of multiple simul-taneous events ─ seems to emerge in the complex, and sometimes chaotic, world when elements of a system are inter-connected by information-sharing links. The exact nature of those links is not always clear. And in some cases, . . .

Post 137  9/13/2024

Active Information,

Meaning & Form     
Quantum physicist David Peat worked with, and was influenced by both Bohm and Roger Penrose, who also postulated some unorthodox theories of physics and metaphysics. I borrowed the name of his article¹ for this blog post. There, he noted that “Towards the end of the 1980s David Bohm introduced the notion of Active Information into his Ontological . . . .